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Top 20 Carditis and Vasculitis

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Myocarditis and Pericarditis, khanacademymedicine (1:02:57)

This playlist covers 1. What is myocarditis and pericarditis?, 2. Causes of myocarditis, 3. Causes of pericarditis, 4. Diagnosis of myocarditis and pericarditis (part 1), 5. Diagnosis of myocarditis and pericarditis (part 2), and 6. Myocarditis and pericarditis treatment.

Pericardial Diseases- CRASH! USMLE Step 2 and 3, Paul Bolin (33:32)

Acute pericarditis, pericardial effusions, cardiac tamponade, and constrictive pericarditis are covered in this video on pericardial diseases. History, symptoms, physical exam findings, diagnosis, treatment, EKGs, and microscopic images are provided for each.

Cardiovascular Disorders: Myocarditis, Lizzy Sharp (9:01)

The video has a small box to see the narrator as she explains the texts on the slides.  Under 10 minutes, this video provides a good understanding of myocarditis. Lizzy defines myocardium, causes of myocarditis, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.

Pericardial Effusion, AAAnzu8 (9:05)

This video is narrated while illustrations and notes are made on a white board. Using analogies and illustrations, it is easy to visualize what is happening. Causes are discussed. Symptoms are compared to a heart attack in a table. Finally, the findings on an x-ray are discussed.

PMedical School - Infective Endocarditis, iMedicalSchool (8:31)

This well created video explains endocarditis starting with a brief introduction to common causes, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. The video uses light bulbs to highlight the important parts, which are high yielded, so know that.

Cardiac Tamponade, CanadaQBank (11:33)

Pericarditis, CanadaQBank (7:11)

Endocarditis, CanadaQBank (18:01)

Using simplified drawings of the heart, Beck’s triad and the diagnosis is explained in Cardiac Tamponade. Symptoms, physical exam, diagnosis, and treatment are explained for Pericarditis and Endocarditis.

The videos are helpful as it ends with several clinical vignettes with multiple choice questions. These are read outloud, while you can assess what you have learned by trying to answer the question and then following it up with going through the explanation of the answer.

What is Cardiac Tamponade? dillmatic2013 (5:48)

Using drawings, this video does a wonderful job at explaining cardiac tamponade. It provides an introduction with what surrounds the heart and then uses animations to demonstrate what can cause cardiac tamponade as well as what signs and symptoms are present.

Pericardial Friction Rub - Heart Sounds Collection, Dr. Prodigious (1:51)

The video first describes the sounds that are heard and when the sounds occur. It lists reasons for why the heart sound may be heard. The video describes where it can best be heard, at what position is the best, and how to hold and where to place the stethoscope. Finally, after the brief explanation, the sound is played.


Vasculitis, khanacademymedicine (1:21:29)

This series of videos covers 1. What is vasculitis?, 2. Vasculitis pathophysiology, 3.

Temporal arteritis, 4. Takayasu arteritis, 5. Polyarteritis nodosa, 6. What is Kawasaki disease?, 7. Kawasaki disease: diagnosis and treatment, 8. Buerger disease, 9. Wegener's granulomatosis and microscopic polyangiitis, 10. Churg-Strauss syndrome, and 11. Henoch-Schonlein purpura

Vasculitis CRASH! USMLE Step 2 and 3, Paul Bolin (50:18)

Wegener's granulomatosis, microscopic polyangiitis, polyarteritis nodosa, and Churg-Strauss Syndrome are covered in the first half of the video. At 31:32, a table is displayed that compares all four in terms of type of vessel, unique characteristics, ANCA, symptoms, what is common, urinalysis, and therapy for them. The second half of the video focuses on temporal arteritis (giant cell arteritis), Takayasu’s arteritis, and Behcet's syndrome. History, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment are discussed for all.

Vasculitis - An Overview, Strong Medicine (14:31)

This video starts off by defining vasculitis. it then describe the typical features that are suggestive of a vasculitis, the modern classification system of vasculitis, and how to identify a probable vasculitis in a patient with a typical presentation.